
part-1 Devaki - 'Go and explain- Quench and do what you can do. Tell them, brother, why do our doves drown in the middle? You are the boy of the house. Never expected this from you. Look what they are. '

Devaki - 'Why the hell? Is there any harm? '

Devaki did not understand the importance of this objection. Bid - 'It does not matter if Kamalprasad becomes a Muslim today, will we stop visiting him? We will explain to him as far as possible, and we will take steps to get him to the right track.

Devaki - 'No, sorry. Do not let this go go well. I will call tomorrow. '

Devaki - 'Prema is not among those girls that you marry her with whom you want. Go and look at his condition and know his condition. Since this news has been received, it appears that there is no life in the body. Alone on the roof is crying. '

Devaki - 'Who! I say that he will give life to this mourning and cry. You do not know him yet. '

Badri Prasad went out Devaki fell into a great dilemma. He was familiar with the husband's nature, but did not consider him so thoughtless. He was hoping that the Amritrai would be convinced, but how would they go to him? How to buy rar from husband

Devaki said, 'Do not cry, daughter, I will call her tomorrow. He will never stop talking to me. '

Devaki looked at Premma from astonishment, this girl did not understand what she is saying.

Devaki said - 'And what will happen to you, daughter?'

Devaki said with tears of eyes- 'Mother, father, who is sitting forever! Whatever work is done in front of your eyes, that's good! The girl could not live up to her quarters, whose house was not a place of food. The people marry the girl by asking for alms. If a girl becomes orphan in the neighborhood, then she is married to a donation. What is lacking in me here I'll look for someone else for you. It was a known man, that was it, or else there were one in one in the community. I'll send your babuji tomorrow. '

Looking at the ground, Prema said, 'No, Ammar, do not worry about me. I have decided to stay quarrels. '

Kamalaprasad came and asked Kahar, 'Have you brought ice?'

Kamalaprasad said in a hurry - 'Speak loudly, do not bring ice or not? There is no voice in the mouth? '

Kahar saw that now there is a fear of crushing ears without opening mouth, then gently said - 'No, the government.'

Kahra - 'There were no money'.

Kahar - 'Yes, no one has heard.'

Kamla Prasad did not wear clothes too. Coming to the house filled with anger, the mother asked - 'Amma, change, did you come to take money for ice?'

Kamalaprasad - 'No, he has not been given a gift. He went to them, but when he heard that he went to a meeting, I went to the cinema. Meetings are a disease to them and I consider them absolutely frail. no point. The man can live without listening to the lecture and without the lecturers the possibility of going to the abyss of the world. Wherever the speaker-voice-speaker is seen, like the rainy seasoners, they are shocked and moving. Lost his time and surprised others. All-in-all are fools. '

Kamalaprasad kicked him out loud and said - 'And what will those people do?' All this is what all these people are suggesting. Lala will now marry a widow. Good thing, I will definitely go to the procession, no matter whether it is going or not. Just see, what is the new way of marriage? There will also be all lectures. What will happen to these people? All-about-all are fools, nobody has touched anyone. '

Kamalaprasad- If you call the King at this time then do not go. Yes, going someday I will come here for a lot of skill. But it's absolutely eccentric. I used to understand, there would be some understanding in it. But the unmistakable ponga came out Now tell me, what did you gain from reading too much? It was great that I left the reading. Wisdom becomes corrupted by reading a lot. When the eyes become weak, then how can the intellect remain? So did any widow get cured or not? Where are Missarine, Say it is your silver, send the message tomorrow itself. If no one else does, I am ready to go. Will be great fun Where are the Egyptians, now their luck shines. Will remain a widow or a widow? Is that community not being imprisoned? '

Kamalaprasad - 'Whatever this meeting does not do, it is a little bit. All of them are allowed to fly such a secluded sitting. One day, there was no hesitation in Punjab, it was said, break the caste and the water split into it. A similar kind of junkie came and said, Chamaras and nieces should be considered as brothers. They should not be avoided in any way. Just, all-in-all, sitting and sitting, they think that something new should be removed. If Gandhiji did not get anything, then he would have been beaten by the sword of Swarajya. Everyone has sold the wisdom. '

On seeing Purna, Prema ran and fell on her throat. A priest Vasant Kumar lived in the neighborhood. There were clerks in any office. Purna was a woman of hers, very beautiful, very comfortable There was no other in the house. When at 10 o'clock, when Panditji's office went away, it would have been there right here and both the ladies sat laughing till the evening. Prema had so much love that if one day she did not come for some reason she would go to her house. Today Vasant Kumar went to dinner somewhere. Purna ji, got upbeat, came here Prema took her hand up to her room.

Love - 'There is no addiction in the brother on some side. That's what they have a quality. Has he gone somewhere? '

Prema - 'did not go to the meeting? Today there is a huge meeting. '

Prema - 'Today's meeting was worth seeing. If you had, I would also go, a very good lecture of a sage on society reform

Prema said laughing - the 'sister, a woman in society and men both and while both will not improve, life will not be happy. Would the woman become a scholar by being a man's scholar? Men wear the clothes in the end, then why do women give birth to jewelery? In men, how many quarters are left, why do women feel worthless without getting married? Tell? I think, the happiness in living quavery is not in marriage. '

Prema did not say of Amritraya's pledge She knew that her respect for this in the eyes of the poor would be very less. Bid - 'She will not marry herself.'

Prema - 'No sister, do not lie. There is no desire to marry. Probably never was there. After his sister died, she had become a little distraught. Mercy on the corner of Papa and me he was ready to get married, but now has changed his views and I think that when a man stuck into household mess themselves want some service, then Should not be a pair of trousers. I tell you the truth, Purna, I do not have any sorrow for this, I have seen them, and I will do something. '

Love - 'Even without saying, man can reveal his wish'.

Love - 'No fullness, your feet fall. Do not write letters and letters, I will not disturb anyone's auspicious resolution. If I can not do any other help then at least I will not make a stroke of his path. '

Prema - 'There is no such sadness that a man can not cooperate. He knows that I will not be sad, nor will he be happy, otherwise he would never do this intention. I think it is my religion to increase the enthusiasm of such a gentleman. Do not want to trap him in the house. '

Prema - 'Then they too will happen.'

Love - 'I too will make my heart hard.'

Prema played the harmonium and started singing purna.(for part 2 comment me)

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