Yesterday, in the evening, went to buy two or four essential things in the square. The shops of Punjabi Mewafarosh falls on the way. A fine, colored pink apple is decorated on a shop. Gee lift Nowadays educated society have a tendency to think in terms of vitamins and proteins that went. Tomato first did not even ask a cent. Now tomato has become an essential ingredient of food. Carrot was also the first thing to fill the poor. The rich people used to eat it only; But now it has come to know that there are too many vitamins in the carrot, so carrots are also found to be available on the table. And in the matter of apples, it has been said that if you eat an apple every day, then you will not need doctors. To avoid the doctor, we can be ready to eat till Nimkudi. If the apple does not increase in taste and taste, it does not decrease. Yes, the lame of Banaras and Dasari of Lucknow and the Alfonso of Bombay are second. The result of their collision is not the second in the world; But whether there is vitamin or protein in them or not, is it enough or not, these topics have not yet been seen in the system of any Western doctor. Apple has got this arrangement. Now it is not just a matter of taste, it also has qualities. We negotiated with the shopkeeper and asked for half a sec apple.
The shopkeeper said - Babuji has got a lot of fun apples, special Kashmir. You move, you will be happy and happy.
I took out the handkerchief and gave it to him and said, picking it up.
The shopkeeper raised the scales and spoke to his servant and said, Pick out
Linda brought four apples. The shopkeeper weighed it, placed them in an envelope and tied it in a handkerchief and gave it to me. I kept four in his hand.
Come home and keep the envelope as-it-kept. There is no law to eat apples or any other fruit at night. Time to eat fruit is the time of the morning. It was rotten after washing an apple in the morning after washing it with his hand. One rupee shaped peel was melted. Understand, the shopkeeper will not be seen at night. Second remove. But it was half rotten. Now, the shopkeeper has not cheated me. Third apples removed It was not rotten; But on one side, it was completely flawed. Fourthly seen. He was so innocent; But there was a black hole in it as it often happens in beef. Kata is in the same way that spots are in the same way, like insects are in plum. An apple is not worth eating. There was not enough of the money to pay the money as this character fall of society. The shopkeeper deliberately treated me cheating. If an apple would have been rotten, I would have considered him worthy of forgiveness. He thinks he will not be able to see. But four or four out of the worst, it's a good deception. But I also had the cooperation in this deception. Keeping a handkerchief in his hand was as if it was the motivation to deceive him. He took pride that the sages are not the creatures working with their eyes, nor are they so alert that they come back from home. Man dishonestly only when he gets an opportunity. Give an opportunity of dishonesty, whether it is from its laziness or with innocence, to cooperate in dishonesty. Now there is no faith in the educated babus and employees. Go to a police station or a court or municipality, your fault will be that you will not be able to take huge losses too. Merchants'credentials remained so far. Whether to wear a tie-in-the-knife in the weights; But if you used to give him ten notes in place of mistake instead of five, then there was no need to disturb you. Your bucks were safe I remember, once I had taken a penny of money from a clerk at Muharram's fair and came back to the place of money. When he came to his house, when he got to know his mistake, he ran to the wrecker. It was not hoped that he would return eighteen, but he returned eighteen from the buoyant, and in turn he apologized to me. And here are the apple rotten in the name of Kashmiri apple? I hope the reader will not close my eyes as I go into the market. Not only will they get cashmere apple?